Wednesday 25 June 2008

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Spring "Talks Brighter Marketing" with Barclays

After the success of the events attended by us throughout Hull's Business Week, yesterday we went along to a seminar conducted by Barclays for local businesses called "Let's Talk Brighter Marketing".

The guest speaker for the seminar was Robert Craven described by the Financial Times as the "Entrepreneurship Guru" who has wrote books including Bright Marketing and Kick-Start Your Business.

It was a great day & offered us a fantastic networking opportunity!

Monday 2 June 2008

Spring Estate Agents Ltd at Hull Business Week 2008

Today marks the start of Hull's Business Week 2008 and Spring Estate Agents were up bright & earlier at the KC Stadium to attend the Bondholder's Breakfast which kicked of the rest of the weeks proceedings.

The breakfast was a fantastic opportunity for us to network with some of the other influential business people from the area, also some fun was had watching the "Are you smarter than a CEO?" quiz which played a team of local CEO's against a group of students from Hymers College.

All in all it was a promising start & we look forward to the events throughout the week.